Sunday 21 November 2010

Use Proxy For Anonymous Browsing

You have probably already come to the situation where you wanted to visit some website but not from your computer. There are many reasons why you want to browse the internet anonymously. The main reason is to hide your IP address. When you visit some website you provide a lot of information about you and your computer to that website. From the IP address it is possible to determine not just your country but also more precise location. Although it is not easy to connect the IP address with particular person, sometimes it is simply not desired to expose your location or properties of your browser.

There is a very simple way to avoid exposing your details to the destination page. You can use a proxy service to bypass your direct connection with any website. This is a service that acts as an intermediate computer which accepts your web addresses and returns requested web pages. So the target website sees the proxy computer and not your computer or your browser. This way you are not accessing the websites directly and your IP address and other data is not exposed to the world but only to one computer. The only disadvantage of browsing this way is that the communication is a little bit slower because of the additional "element" between your computer and web server. This additional element is a computer which downloads pages and sends them to your browser. But this is the only price you will have to pay for anonymity.

There are many free proxy services. Just Google for "free proxy" and you will find many websites offering this service for free. Browsing is still pretty simple. Instead of entering the wanted web address into the address bar of the browser you enter it into address field of the proxy page and press enter or click the "go" button. This website will download web page and send it to your browser. You will get exactly the same content as you would get by browsing directly. This is not true if the server returns data according to the visitor's country. In such case you will probably get some local content. When you browse through proxy you access the target website with the IP address of the proxy website which may be hosted in a different country.

Proxy servers or websites offer some additional functions for even better protection. One of them enables you to prevent storing cookies. Cookies are some data that is stored on your computer when you visit certain pages. The second protection function is to remove JavaScript code. This code runs in your browser when the page loads. You can enable or disable these options on the same page where you enter the target address.

In most cases you can browse directly because there is no need to hide yourself. But in some cases it is better to browse anonymously and not reveal your true identity. You can also use proxy websites to access your website from other countries in order to check if right ads for that country are displayed. It is up to you to decide when to browse this way. Anyway, proxies enable us to effectively hide out location and computer data.

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