Wednesday 3 November 2010

Web Hosting Facts

Web hosting is more than just putting some files on the web server. It is also a relationship between website owner and web hosting provider. The purpose of websites is to continuously offer access to web pages. Serving web pages without interruption or failures all around the clock. Of course, 100% up-time is not our goal and it would cost us a lot of money. A reasonable expectation is about 99.9% up-time. This means that on average 8 hours per year the system could be down. This is acceptable and doesn't cause much trouble to either website owner or visitors.

The things change when there are frequent malfunctions and the website is inaccessible for hours or even days. This is where we can start distinguishing good hosting from a not so good one. If the hosting provider doesn't have good support then the website owner quickly becomes frustrated and if the problems are not solved within few hours the web hosting service looses that customer. Loosing many customers means also loosing reputation. Bad reputation is the last thing a web hosting service provider wants.

The next important fact about hosting providers is the service they offer and/or advertise. To attract customers many web hosting providers promise unlimited "everything". Is this possible? Well, yes and no. Theoretically they don't limit disk size, bandwidth, number of domains, etc. The truth is that the web server is a physical machine, a computer with limited hard disk, limited processor capabilities, limited amount of memory, i.e. the computer is a limited resource. In addition to this, our web server is not hosting only our website (unless we have such hosting plan). Usually it hosts hundreds of websites. All the server resources are limited and shared between all websites hosted on this server. So you should understand properly the word "unlimited".

Another important fact about web hosting is connectivity with the internet. The connection between hosting provider and ISP should not be some bottleneck which limits how fast our pages load. The hosting provider should have a fast and reliable connection with the internet backbone. Pages that load slowly and even more slowly when the server is loaded are not visited frequently. We might loose visitors only because of poor internet connection of our web hosting provider.

Before we decide for web hosting company it is a good idea to check all key factors that contribute to fast and reliable hosting. We can contribute a lot to speed up our pages if we limit the resources that are needed to load the page. Pages without all the bells and whistles can also be useful to the visitors.

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